Author's Note: this takes place after Valoren gave the guy he was "seeing" an ultimatum, and got a less than satisfactory answer.

Valoren is lounging on the bed when Apollo arrives, most of his clothes acquiring wrinkles in a pile on the floor. He is very obviously sulking. "I swear on Halone's tits, I'm going to fucking KILL that bitch Tiva when she shows up," he complains. "One word is all I need. One word. I dare her! BEG her!"

Apollo is trying very hard to stifle a laughing fit. "Good to see you as well."

Valoren: "DEAD! she's DEAD!Now get your fluffy tail up here, dipshit."

Apollo: "Don't mind me, just enjoying the view, you know."

Valoren: "Gods, at least somebody gets to," Valoren pouts.

Apollo: "Let me guess. He flaked again, and it was because of Tiva." He shakes his head. "I told you it would take time."

Valoren: "Well, yes, but he was so close! I was so close!" Valoren closes his fist around thin air. "The way he ogled me, I swear he was undressing me with his eyes!"

Apollo: "Well, the attraction to you is obviously not the issue." He puts his hand on Valoren's shoulder, stroking it in a half-teasing, half-soothing manner. "You've got Tiva, and then whatever's going on in that little head of his. The latter might be the bigger issue, to be frank."

Valoren: "Doubtful. As soon as I get the go-ahead, I will very much go ahead, and I'll take it from there. When I take the leash, I'm sure he'll trot along nicely. Just need to convince him to put on the collar."

Apollo: "It is such a chore when someone's got their claws sunk into them, isn't it? But I doubt he'd be pleased if you took it too far with Tiva, either."

Valoren: "The wretched little shit has already threatened to kill me gruesomely. If she intends to follow through with such an attempt, then I will simply be defending myself." Valoren grins with the mouth of a wolf. "Anybody would agree that she was a danger. And that sweet, darling Valoren wouldn't hurt a fly!"

Apollo: "Harmless, of course. Except to an unsuspecting man's heart."

Valoren: "It's not MY fault he's got the wool over his eyes. Do you know, today I admitted to my theatrics being a front, directly to his face. And the poor, stupid fool didn't even realize that perhaps, just perhaps, that might not be the only mask I was wearing? "I mean, HONESTLY! He's so malleable he's practically liquid!" Valoren huffs. "In a way, I suppose I should be grateful to Tiva. Otherwise, this would be too easy."

Apollo: "Ah, I see. He thinks he's the exception, and he's seen you for your 'true self'." He shrugs his shoulders a little. "This is below you, but I can't say I'm not entertained.What did you decide to tell him about me, anyway? I know he asked you."

Valoren: "Aw, nothing is below me," Valoren teases. "And I told him the truth: you're my friend, and you're an obnoxious little spectator to my shenanigans. Not the whole truth, of course. It wouldn't do for him to know I'm in love." Valoren pauses. "With the game, naturally."

Apollo: "Obnoxious? You wound me! And in my bed too," he says, shaking his head in faux disappointment. He can't help but lean down to press a kiss to Valoren's shoulder at the last statement. "Should I be concerned about how attracted I am to you when you admit how devious you are?"

Valoren: "No, no, darling. It simply means we're... well, suffice it to say, whatever souls are made of, ours must be cut from the same dark cloth. What with the way we both fabricate things," he smirks. Then he grabs Apollo's head and yanks him in for a kiss on the lips.

Apollo savors the feeling of Valoren's soft lips on his, smiling into the kiss despite himself. "How lucky it is that I was the one walking by the aetheryte that day then, hmm?" He leans back a little, soaking in his lover's presence.

Valoren: "Luck, fate, or divine pity. Whatever it is, I think I shall be grateful to it for the rest of my life. I only hope that whatever force it was, that it should be kind enough to allow me to spend more of that life with you." Valoren curls his fingers through Apollo's hair. His expression is neutral. At rest. Maskless.

Apollo: "If there's one thing I have plenty of, it's time." Apollo's ears wiggle a bit as if to emphasize his point. "I know you're capable, love, but I can't help but worry. What are you getting yourself into, anyway?"

Valoren: "Does it matter?" Valoren asks. His eyes grow misty, and he lets them. "I don't care what the future holds. I don't care if this ends badly. For once in my fucking life, I don't even care if I get hurt. I care about something other than myself. Apollo, I care about you." His voice, always his greatest weapon, trembles as he admits this truth.

Apollo: "Does it matter?" Apollo repeats scornfully. His chest feels like it's a vice, tightening when he even thinks about losing Valoren. "I avoid caring about so many things. About other peoples' problems, their fights, their wars. I care about you and your wellbeing so much that I would throw myself into all of that for you." His eyes stare into Valoren's intensely. "Do you understand me? You are not expendable. What good does caring about me do if you throw your life away?"

Valoren: "I... I... I..." Valoren stammers. That's all he manages before his voice gives out completely, and he collapses onto Apollo's chest, the tears that have been gathering now spilling out. His back shakes with silent sobs as he cries into Apollo. Gods, how long has it been since he cried in front of someone else? .....He doesn't know.

Apollo wraps his arms around the smaller man, his own eyes prickling with tears. "I know," he whispers into the crown of Valoren's head. "It feels like nothing else matters but the one you love. But that's who you are to me. Eventually, something will take you away from me. I won't let it be anything other than time." He kisses Valoren's hair. "You'll be careful, won't you?"

Valoren only cries harder, drawing in great gasps of air. He feels as though the whole world is shaking along with his trembling body. Eventually, he nods, trying to get ahold of himself. "I will," he whispers. "I promise you that. I will be careful." He sniffles, and gives Apollo a watery smile. "I've been so callous with my life before now, it will be a hard habit to break. But I'll do it. For you. Because you are worth living for." Valoren raises a hand to cup Apollo's cheek. "I love you."

Apollo places his hand over Valoren's on his cheek, the touch grounding him. Steadying him. "I love you too." He leans in for another kiss. "I've known it for a while, but it feels good to say it out loud," he murmurs. It should feel strange, like he's treading unfamiliar ground, but it doesn't. Realizing that for the first time in a long time, he's actually genuinely fallen for someone—it should feel alarming, vulnerable. But it doesn't. It feels right, like arriving at an obvious conclusion. "I know the chase is fun, but it has to stay that way, alright?"

Valoren: "I'm not sure I can agree to that," Valoren says. "Now that I've caught you, I don't think I ever want to let go." His tear-streaked smile is wobbling, and his resolve is only growing more steady. "I'll be careful, but... I love you more than even my words can express. And I won't lie about that."

Apollo: "We don't need words, do we?" Apollo says with a smile.

Valoren: "For once in my life, no. I just need you."

Author's Note: This took place after a "fight club" event where Apollo had to throw down with an older Viera man (yes, even older than Apollo!). Valoren's got a little bit of a cold.

Apollo: "The tits-out look can't be good for your fever."

Valoren: "It is when I have a warm bunny to cuddle with."

Apollo: "I would ask if you're sorry, but I doubt there's an onze of remorse in your body."

Valoren: "What would I have to be sorry about? You had fun, did you not?" Valoren fumbles with his bun before giving up.

Apollo undoes the bun for him, his fingers gentle and careful so as not to snag the hairs. "...maybe," he mutters, flushing red again. "But by Hydaelyn, how embarrassinig. I felt like I was a kit being taught a lesson by my wood warder mentor all over again. And that was centuries ago."

Valoren: "You more than held your own, love," Valoren smiles, reaching up to hold Apollo's hand. Then he pauses, his expression freezing on his face. "I'm sorry, did you say centuries?"

Apollo freezes. ".....ah." He's suddenly stiff and uneasy, as if he's been caught doing something he shouldn't have. "That's not how I would have liked you to find out."

Valoren: "Find out?" Valoren says. His eyes have a strange look in them. "Apollo... you know I...." He frowns, ever so slightly. "When you said that night, that nothing but time would do us part... how much do you- how old are you, Apollo?" There's a tremble in his voice from more than the illness.

Apollo: "I..." A wrinkle appears as he furrows his eyebrows. "I'm...not sure. But well over 200, I suppose. Probably almost 300." He tenses, as if anticipating an angry reaction.

Valoren's trembling voice is joined by a wobbling lower lip. "I- I see." Valoren speaks softly, as if afraid that treading too heavily will break the thin ice and send him spilling into the unknown depths below. "I'm-" His voice chokes up, but the whispered half-word that slips out may have been "sorry."

Apollo loosens his arms a little, horrified instead of worried. "What's wrong?" He whispers. "I'm sorry. I should have told you before all this instead of...misleading you." He can't help himself from stroking Valoren's hair comfortingly. "You have nothing to apologize for." Apollo was anticipating anger and disgust, not...this. "Valoren? I...I'm the one who should be apologizing. I understand if...if this...disturbs you." He winces.

Valoren's eyes well with tears, and though he tries to keep them from spilling out, they do as he silently shakes his head. Valoren follows Apollo backwards, turning to bury his face against the Viera's chest. His shoulders shake, but he makes no sound. "Disturbs me?" Valoren chokes out. "Gods, Apollo, of course it does. I don't want- if you've lived this long of a life without me, then how could I- what if I- I don't want- you-" Valoren devolves into sobs again.

Apollo can feel his heart sink, but he can't find himself to pull away when Valoren is so vulnerable like this. "...I know," he says in a defeated tone, shoulders slumping. "I swear to you, it's not--it was never a...I never meant to-to prey on you, or..." He doesn't stutter often, but he can barely get the words out now, as if he's choking on them. "I never meant to fall in love with you so completely," he whispers. "All I can say is I'm sorry. And I understand if you...don't want this. If I'm not who you thought I was."

"Don't want this?" Valoren repeats, aghast. "Apollo, this is all I want. You are all I want. I don't want to LOSE you!" He almost shouts the last sentence, his voice breaking from emotion. Lifting his head up, he takes Apollo's face in his hands. "I swear on all the gods and stars that I will love you until the end of time. I just - how much time is that?"

Apollo is still, shocked for a few moments before he relaxes. "That's what you're worried about?" he asks, voice heavy with emotion. A million thoughts flood through his brain before he forces himself back to the current moment, with the only thing that matters to him right now breaking down in his arms. "I wish I could tell you how much longer that is. But to be honest..." He bites his lip, wondering if he should say this while Valoren is in such a state. "I don't know. But what I do know is that I have something to live for. So you won't be getting rid of me so easily," he says with a halfhearted smile.

Valoren smiles, just a little, wobbly though it is. "I feel the same way, you know," he whispers. "I was trying pretty hard to throw my life away before I met you." There's a lingering concern in his voice. "I felt like I was missing something. Now I know that it was someone. And now that I've found you, I'm scared, Apollo. I don't want to live a life without you again."

Apollo presses a soft kiss to Valoren's cheek. "I...hope this is more comforting than not, but. I've loved a lot of people in my life. Before you, I had given up on romance entirely. It's cheesy but..." He lowers his gaze a little. "You taught me how to love again." he whispers. "Everything and everyone will come and go, love. That's just the way life is. But I'll spend the rest of my time loving you. For as long as this life will give me."

Valoren’s anguish and fear are blended together, contorting his face. “And what if I were the first to die, Apollo? Would you just continue on without me, like you did before? Because I’m not sure how you might see our relationship, but for me, it’s not optional. You say that’s the way life is? I didn’t have a life before you. And I won’t — can’t — face the thought of living one after.” He’s desperate, almost angry. Not with Apollo, but with the cruelty of fate, that they should find each other now.

Apollo's lost people he loved before. Lost them in tragic, violent ways. Lost them in peaceful, happy ways too. Sunna asked him to continue living on when she lay in his arms dying: that his life not end when hers did. But when he tries to imagine losing Valoren and continuing to live on after that, he's alarmed to find that he...can't. The cavalier attitude he's taken to everything in his life so far fails him now.

He's lived a good, long life, right?

"I wouldn't." He doesn't elaborate.

Valoren’s voice softens. “So you understand, then. Why this news is so concerning to me.” He brushes his thumb across Apollo’s cheek. “I suppose is it the nature of mortal lives, to come with some unknown time limit, but now that I know it may not be so far away…” His gaze slides away from Apollo’s face, concealing the unnerving glint in his eyes.

Apollo snorts. "You make it sound like I'm on death's door. I have another hundred or so years in me, you know." He brushes a knuckle against Valoren's cheek. "We both have long, happy lives ahead of us, love. Don't think about what comes after."

When Valoren glances back, his eyes are soft again as they search Apollo’s face. “Alright,” Valoren sighs. “I’m sorry. I just thought about losing you, and I… well, I panicked.” He curls up against Apollo’s chest. “I love you.”

Apollo can't help but let out a huge sigh of relief. "I love you, too." He buries his nose in Valoren's hair, feeling at peace in a way only Valoren can draw out of him. "And here I was worried that you wouldn't want to associate with an old man like me."

Valoren chuckles, the laugh muffled by Apollo’s shirt. “For such a wizened elder, I’d expect you to know better than that.” He nuzzles against Apollo’s chest. “I’m not going to ever stop loving you, Apollo. All of you. Just as you are.”

Apollo groans as his arm secures itself around Valoren. "Oh, God. You're going to call me old all the time, aren't you?" He smiles despite his chagrin. "I got over being a cradle robber a long time ago, but you never know sometimes." He makes a face. "People treat you differently once they find out you're hundreds of years old, in a lot of ways."

"Well, I can promise, the only thing it'll change for me is perhaps for me to cling to you a little tighter." Valoren gives Apollo a squeeze to emphasize this point. "Perhaps I should be jealous that you've loved others before me. You know I am the jealous sort. But with you, strange at is, I find it a comforting thought. That out of everyone you've lain with, you should choose me."

“It’s a bit hard to follow you as an act, you know that.” Apollo leans into Valoren’s touch. “And to be honest…I don’t think there was anybody before that’s quite like you. Imagine that: once in a lifetime.” He’s quiet for a moment before speaking again. “Sometimes I worry that I’m holding you back,” he confesses. “You have so much life to live…and sometimes I don’t know if I’m a relic of the past or if I’ve changed so much I’m barely a person at all.”

“Well, if change has wrought the masterpiece of a man I have the privilege of holding in my arms tonight, then I can’t help but feel grateful I’ve met you when I have. Because I wouldn’t wish for you to be any other way.” Valoren smiles, kind and confident in his words. “Of course, we’ll never stop changing until the day we die. But there’s ample reason for me to have fallen so completely for the you I see now. And I believe that each day we change together, I will fall a little more thoroughly in love.” Now that Valoren’s silver tongue has found its muse, he finds that the words flow like water. And for once, they aren’t merely honey-gilded falsehoods, but ardently argent all the way through. “And I do so love you, my dear.” His most oft repeated lie, bared as truth under the newfound moonlight.